Wolverley Memorial Charitable Trust Annual General Meeting

Held on 28 March 2022

For those that were unable to attend the AGM earlier this week, here are a few highlights;

  • The Charity has been successful in obtaining grants of £136k for the refurbishment of the Memorial Hall.
  • Exciting things have been happening with that funding and you may have noticed a few changes!
  • The exterior of the building has been significantly upgraded and is now watertight and draught-free (photos below)
  • Work is now underway on upgrading the interior of the Hall.
  • We will also be improving the surrounds of the Hall, including replacing the old broken paving and improving access routes.
  • We are currently reviewing the arrangements for the upkeep of the Children’s Play Area and Memorial Hall grounds to put a proactive programme of maintenance in place.
  • Once the refurbishment work is completed, the Charity will be in a much better place with the building and grounds than it has been for a long time. That will allow us to extend the range of services available. We hope you’ll notice the difference!
  • It was agreed that :

The current Appointed trustees will continue in office:

  • Bernard D’Arcy (Wolverley Sports and Social Club)
  • Andy Gould (Wolverley Village Players)
  • John Hart (Wolverley and Cookley Parish Council) and
  • Robert Lawrence (Wolverley Tennis Club)

The current Elected trustees were re-elected:

  • Graham Wallis (Chair)
  • Michelle Hire (Treasurer)
  • Richard Millner (Chair – Wolverley Memorial Project Group)


The Charity is always looking for volunteers who feel they can contribute their time and skills to the charity and may wish to join the committee or to become a Trustee. If you are interested, please get in touch by emailing grahamwallis05@aol.com

Wolverley Memorial Project Fundraising

Now we are hopefully past the pandemic restrictions, it is intended that the Wolverley Memorial Project Group will relaunch its fundraising events to build on the monies that have already been raised, to fund the future replacement of the ageing facilities on the site with one community facility incorporating all the organisations using the current site.


If you want to find out more, the key reports that were presented at the AGM are downloadable below.

These include:

External Refurbishment

Before renovation work 2021

Old roof problems – now sorted

After renovation work 2021

The newly refurbished Hall