Chairmans Report for Year 2016

CHARITY No.523207


I have to say that I have been feeling rather optimistic and pleased with the situation generally. There seems to be a gradual increase in the use of the Hall but looking at the Annual Financial report for 2016 this has not been reflected in the results.

In fact, the Annual Accounts show a reduction in the letting income and a reduction in income from fundraising events resulting in a reduced surplus for 2016 compared with 2015. Never-the-less we have managed to produce a profit when all sources of income, such as rents, grants etc., are taken into account.

It is clear however that we are very dependent on income other than lettings of the Hall and very vulnerable if any of these sources of income were to be discontinued and looking ahead we must bear this in mind and try to strike a better balance between these income sources.

I am pleased that based on our performance we have been able to transfer £10,000 to the Memorial Project to raise funds for the ultimate replacement of the Hall and its ageing facilities. This is moving ahead with the final plans now being drawn up by the selected Architect and we are very lucky to have this dedicated team of residents and helpers led by Richard Millner who continue to work very hard to raise the funds needed to bring the project to fruition.

Meanwhile, we have to battle on and do our best to maintain the existing facilities in good condition to be able to attract as many customers as possible for the Hall.

The message seems to be always the same but we must never forget that we receive a donation from the Parish Council and rely quite heavily on the generosity of T.G.Hardwicks who continue to pay for the cutting of the field and surrounds that saves us a great deal of expense. We are most grateful for their generous support of our community facilities and hope that our community in exchange supports their Business in the village.

In spite of all our appeals in the past we have been unable to attract younger members of the community to join our Management Committee and we are now in a position where we must become more active in trying to attract a younger generation to the cause, otherwise the facilities may well face .the possibility of having to be closed down.

Our ageing committee works very hard in giving their time and energy and I thank them all for continuing to do so, especially the Officers, Vice Chair Malcolm Hazlewood, Treasurer Beryl Hazlewood and Secretary Josie Hardwick who deal with lots of issues and take care of the administration together with our Booking Officer Jo Phipps.

Finally, I would like to make it clear to the Community that the Memorial Hall and its facilities depend almost entirely on voluntary workers for its survival and is not provided by the District or Parish Council as is the case in the towns.

So, come on you people of Wolverley, get involved, you are privileged to live in this small community and it needs your help to maintain these locally created facilities for future generations.

Peter. J. Smith
President & Acting Chairman. April 2017